Detox + Clear
A 30-Day Program
Guided by Dr. Rachel, ND
Let’s Reset Your Metabolic Health and Shed the Holiday Pounds, Super Charge Your Energy, and Stop Inflammation

30-Day Detox & Cleanse Program
The 30-Day Detox & Cleanse classes sessions with Dr. Rachel and additional Facebook Lives Q & A sessions every other week.
"I created this program to help patients reset their metabolic health and remove the toxins and environmental factors that stop them from achieving their health and happiness goals. "
Each week you will get videos and downloadable worksheets to do at your own pace.
Join us from the comfort of your home or office.
The program includes:
Over $300 of supplements, shakes and medicinal products shipped directly to you when you sign up
Four online videos with step-by-step instructions each week (plus bonus videos)
Worksheets to track and share your progress with Dr. Rachel each week
Detailed recipe book
Access to Live Facebook Q & A sessions with Dr. Rachel to get your questions answered
Two 15-minute phone visit with Dr. Rachel
If you were to do this program one on one with Dr. Rachel, it would cost a minimum of $1,700 but doing it online you get all the benefits for less than half that price!
Total Cost is just $797/person.
What will you learn and experience in our
30-Day Detox Program?
Learn how your plate should look for breakfast, lunch and dinner
Reduce bloating and improve your digestive health
Eliminate your cravings for junk food, sweets, carbs and salt
Reduce inflammation & chronic pain
Increase energy and decreased brain fog
Improve your skin complexion and glow
Develop a deeper connection to your body
Detoxify unwanted toxins from your system
Learn how to reduce your daily toxin exposure
Learn how to NOT undo your detox
30-Day Detox

Presented by Rachel Winstedt, ND
Founder & CMO at Dr. Rachel, ND
Dr. Rachel Winstedt, Naturopathic Doctor, focuses on helping women and men with hormonal imbalances, chronic illness, digestive complaints, detoxification, fatigue and stress.