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Book a Free Discovery Call

Types of Patient Visits

User friendly online booking interface for a complimentary discovery call with a medical provider.

Discovery Call

Free 15 minute call to briefly discuss your health challenges and goals and to discuss Dr. Rachel's healing philosophy. The goal is to see if you want to collaborate for your success. No medical advice will be given at this appointment.

The image highlights potential follow-up appointments need and types, designed to set clear expectations for follow up visits

Follow-up Visits

Follow up visits can last anywhere from 15-60 minutes depending on your needs. This can include a check-in, prescription questions, review of new labs, and new health concerns. We will tailor these visits to fit your individual care needs.

A visual and word guide is designed to set clear expectations for new patients, ensuring they feel informed and at ease.

New Patient Visit

Your first appointment is in-depth and comprehensive to discuss your health concerns, review past labs, and design your personalized treatment plan. Usually labs are ordered at this visit and we will get back together in 2 to 4 weeks to review those and give you more specific tools to heal and thrive.

An image showing potential health consultation expectations for patients outside of Washington

Health Consultations

This is the best option for individuals that do not live in Washington state. The first visit is all about your health goals, and I will make foundational health & lifestyle recommendations. I do not order lab work for out of state clients or prescribe medications.


Nature Knows Best

I'm not just a doctor, I'm a natural health doctor who combines tried and true traditional healing techniques with an "address the cause of disease approach".

Specialty Areas:

Graphic illustrating the concept of hormone balancing through Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy BHRT, and weight loss

Hormone Balancing

A holistic approach to hormones includes a focus on lifestyle and other foundational support to ensure full person care and the fastest, safest resolution of symptoms. This might include use of diet changes, botanicals, Hormone Replacement or Bioidential Hormones Replacement Therapy for estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, as well as thyroid and adrenal hormones and other hormones including GLP-1 and GIP.

Infographic specifically designed for patients seeking treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and food allergies.

Digestive Disorders

A happy microbiome is critical to good health and happiness. Use of functional medicine labs to assess and strategically treat the cause of gut dysbiosis can treat the cause of gas, bloating, SIBO and Irritable Bowel Disease, even if you have been present for years. Diet, lifestyle, supplements and/or short-term use of prescription as indicated by test results, are highly effective therapies when indicated.

Infographic showcasing a comprehensive treatment approach for fatigue and stress-related illnesses using multi-disciplinary

Stress & Fatigue

Addressing Fatigue and Stress is highly individualized but critical to quality of life. Using lifestyle medicine, dietary recommendations such as a psychobiotic diet and natural and prescription medication are all appropriate options. Stress impacts many different areas of our health including sleep, heart health, memory and focus as well as anxiety and depression. There are highly effective natural therapies to treat the cause of stress and prevent further health issues.

Visual showing multi-disciplinary strategy incorporating lifestyle changes, nutritional advice to address autoimmune disease.

Autoimmune Disorders

Uncover the root causes of autoimmune disease with personalized functional medicine treatments includes testing and targeted therapies. A comprehensive approach targets inflammation, balances hormones, and restores optimal health. Experience freedom from symptoms and embrace a life of vitality and well-being.

Infographic showing benefits of detoxification for health and wellness.


This world is full of toxins, heavy metals, viruses and mycotoxins which can overwhelm our body’s normal detox processes. Knowing what to put into our bodies and how to safely eliminate toxins without making ourselves sicker requires support and may include diet and lifestyle changes, safe use of appropriate toxin binders and strengthening detox systems. Functional and conventional testing is very helpful when tackling this toxic world.

Picture of welcoming clinic with focus on patient dentered care.

Brain Health

A personal passion of mine in brain health in honor of my Grandmother who struggled with Dementia. Prevention is best for brain health but diet and lifestyle both impact memory and focus. Concurring blood sugar swings, addressing specific nutrients needed for brain health and select use of botanicals are some of tools I use to improve brain health for patients.


Tools I Utilize:


Supplement Recommendations

I use supplement companies and formulations that are 3 rd party tested and formulated
based on rigorous scientific standards. I prescribe supplements through FullScript and a variety of brick and mortar locations to provides the safest and most effective tools available to patients.


Nutrition Recommendations

Many patients send me labs or imaging from their other providers in advance, and I frequently will need to order more. I also use functional medicine type lab tests from variety of lab companies for a more comprehensive look at hormones or the microbiome. Some examples of functional testing I order as indicated based off patient history are:

  • Environmental toxins like heavy metals (mercury, lead, aluminum, etc.)

  • Environmental Toxins and Mold Toxin Exposure

  • Hormone testing 

  • Food sensitivity and allergy testing

  • Microbiome, stool, and other detailed digestive wellness testing

  • Micronutrient Testing


Follow-up Visits

Follow ups are typically scheduled for 4 to 6 weeks after your initial consultation, and subsequent follow-ups are on an as needed basis and depend on individual needs. Some people only see me 2 times, others see me longer term.


Ordering Labs

Many patients send me labs or imaging from their other providers in advance, and I frequently will need to order more. I also use functional medicine type lab tests from variety of lab companies for a more comprehensive look at hormones or the microbiome. Some examples of functional testing I order as indicated based off patient history are:

  • Environmental toxins like heavy metals (mercury, lead, aluminum, etc.)

  • Environmental Toxins and Mold Toxin Exposure

  • Hormone testing 

  • Food sensitivity and allergy testing

  • Microbiome, stool, and other detailed digestive wellness testing

  • Micronutrient Testing


Comprehensive Evaluation

All new patients start with a comprehensive evaluation that typically takes up to 90 minutes. We discuss your health history, environmental exposures, diet, lifestyle, and genetics (if you have that information), and anything else that may be affecting your health. I typically ask about workplace health, social and emotional health, and other big picture things in your life.

-Dorothy S.

Rachel is one of the exceptional people in my small, trusted group of healthcare advisors and guides. Her process of researching, studying, and validating any guidance she gives in caring for her patients carries a great deal of weight. Along with her open heart and commitment to healthcare, she is someone I always refer my closest friends and family to.

-Kathy F.

Rachel has been an awesome, caring healthcare partner. She takes the time to get to know you personally and works with you to put together the right treatment plan, adjusting when needed. Before Rachel, I was just treating symptoms. She helped diagnose the underlying issues so I have been able to rectify them and I have never been healthier. I highly recommend Rachel.

-Kit N.

Dr Windstedt has been instrumental in my ability to reach my health goals. She has an amazing depth of knowledge and expertise. When I am sick, she responds quickly and provides personalized care that is a step above standard health care.
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